Monday, February 14, 2011

Chapter 8 (pages 104-12): Move!

When Elie screams at his father to get up and nmove away from the corpses, with whom is Elie arguing?


  1. Elie is, in reality, really arguing with his father, but he feels as if he was arguing "with death itself" (100). Elie's father right now is acting like a stubborn child and Elie is the parent. He just wants to rest here for a little bit. But Elie knows that a moments rest can end with eternal sleep. His father is surrounded by the corpses of those who too just wanted a little rest, but they got much more. When Elie asks his father if he sees them he says yes, and tells Elie to let them sleep because they are very tired too. Elie's father does not see them as dead, he believes that they are just as exhausted as he is and that they are just sleeping. His father basically has already given up; he is convinced of his death.
    -Nancy Joykutty

  2. Elie is arguing with basically someone who has chosen his path to death and knows that his time is very soon. His father can't take the pain and torture anymore and he knows that he has to give in to death's callings. Elie has to argue with him even if he is out of his mind it is his father. He is still arguing with his father's body but with a different mind that is burnt to a crisp. Also, he probably wants Elie to go on and be strong without him. He knows of the terrible things that father and son have gone through throughout this horrid journey, he will want Elie to live on alone and strong. His father turns into death itself and decides that he needs to leave this horrible world once and for all.

  3. Elie is screaming at death, rather than at his father because he can see that the shadows of deaths cloth start to linger on his fathers body. Also because Ellie did not want his father “with the Death that he had already chosen (Wiesel 105).” I cannot comprehend what Elie may have felt in that moment, but if I still had some sort of shred of sanity, then of course I would start to argue with father not to quit on himself because once he started to give up on life then I think that I would do the same thing as well. He would be the only thing I had to live for so once he was gone…then I don’t really know what would become of my life. I think that although Elie may seem harsh, it is for the own good of his father‘s survival. Elie did not just spend all this time on trying to make his father survive, to have him quit on himself right now.

  4. There is so much death around Elie and his father during all of this, but really at this point it's beginning to feel like the end. People are dying around them daily and there is nothing that they can do to stop death from eventually reaching them too. All that Elie has left is his father, and he desperately tries to hold on to him throughout his time in the camps. They have been through so much already, so it kind of seems pointless to die now when they have survived so far. He pushes his father near the end to keep moving forward and not to give into death. He tells him to move for fear that if he were to rest he would never wake again. Elie's desperate attempts to keep his father alive are his way of rebelling against death. However, even though he is speaking to his father, I believe he is also speaking to himself when he says they cant rest and that they must keep going. He doesn't want to give in to the power of death.

    - Katie Darmofal

  5. To Elie it seemed as though he "was no longer arguing with [his father] but with Death itself" (p. 105). His father seemed to give up. He no longer felt strong enough to go on. He could no longer work to keep himself alive and vulnerable to anymore torture. He begged Elie to let him rest for a short while but, like Nancy says, a moments rest can lead to an eternal sleep. Elie's father only feels exhausted like the other bodies resting but just like them he can easily lose his life by resting and closing his eyes for a short period of time. Elie's father is physically there but he no longer has the will to live and keep fighting with Elie to get freedom. It seems as though the idea of death has set into the mind of Elie's father and that it's the only choice he has left.
    -Evelyn M.

  6. Just like everyone said above, Elie was arguing with death when he was trying to convince his father to move. Elie knew that his father had lost his will to live and that he no longer had the strength to keep going, but he could not bear the thought of losing him. After losing his mother and sisters, the only family he still had was his father. His father, on the other hand, just wants relief. When Elie says that the dead corpses around them died because they all wanted to rest for a bit, his father replies to "let them sleep" (100). He sees death as salvation from the suffering and exhaustion they had endured, and it seems as though he even envies the dead corpses for having already experienced such salvation. He does not consider all the obstacles he and Elie have already overcome, but he is focused on his inability to face the ones ahead. Elie is left to endure the journey alone.
