Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Chapter 3 (pages 29-46) -- "Me, I'm not hungry"

List some of the acts of kindness in this chapter. CM students, be sure to include these on your chart. Don't forget page numbers!


  1. Chapter 3 is one of the most critical points in the novel because this is where Elie is separated from his mother and sisters and pretty much where the ties to his childhood and former life officially are ended.In Chapter 3, there are many acts of kindness. Kindness and hope take on new faces within the walls of the camps. A prisoner helps Elie and his father stay alive and together by offering the tip to lie about their ages. Elie finds that he's been blessed by the mud God created to keep his own shoes, even if it is only for a little while. There is one Polish guard who tells the men that, "Hell doesn't last forever". He also tells the men to stick together and honor their camaraderie because that will help them survive what is to come. Elie reflects that this guards words were, "The first human words." Up until that point, for more than a week they had been treated like animals, to say the least. After that first night, Elie and the others took comfort in the sunshine and the people who they recognized. Elie offers hope to a man, Stein, in search of his wife and children and Elie gives him false hope so that he has the will to live, if only for a little while longer. Because that is what they all needed. Some hope, in any way, how, or for, hope.

  2. Elie is at a point in life where he is beginning to understand what is happening; however, her is still a kid. He doesn't realize that he should ration out his food, he's never done that before. His father knows this and prefers not to trouble his son. Besides, he probably wants his son to survive more than he himself. Elie's father acts, for the sake of his son, as though he isn't hungry so that the rations will last and he will be able to share with Elie and himself. This is one of the most crucial points in which Elie leans that from then on, he and his father were in a struggle together to survive. These acts of kindness may just be what allowed many people to go on without losing hope.
    As Emma says, chapter 3 is very important. Even though many people believe that God must not exists if he let people suffer through this hardship, I think God was there. As Emma has said, God probably allowed Elie to keep his shoes by covering them in mud, it wouldn't last forever, but it was better than losing the shoes so early in their arrival. Small acts of kindness in this chapter are really significant, the way Elie writes about them make the words fly off the page and let you travel into a world that is so very much like ours, yet entirely different.
